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raised at our 2022 Winter Blast Gala

Découverte de la communauté

En tant que plus grande collecte de fonds de l'année pour l'organisation des parents Syble Hopp, le Winter Blast sert à rassembler nos partenaires communautaires pour soutenir l'école Syble Hopp.


The Winter Blast Gala has been fundraising to support the mission of Syble Hopp School.

Since 2002

Our Beneficiary

Annual fundraising proceeds go directly to Syble Hopp School. All proceeds benefit Community Based Instruction (CBI), Lions Camp/Day Camp, and Special Olympics for our special needs students.


Volunteer Run

The Winter Blast Gala is operated 100% by volunteers. We are comprised of a dedicated committee in addition to 35 event-night volunteers. Without the wonderful volunteer support, this event would not be the success that it is.

Join our group!

Join us to help us with our largest fundraiser of the year! The Winter Blast Gala started in 2004, and has earned its position of being Syble Hopp School's largest fundraiser of the year. The committee for the Winter Blasts Gala typically starts six months prior to that year's event date.


With the Winter Blast Gala committee, we have "something for everyone!" If you're willing to donate your time or services to this spectacular event, we're happy to work with you to find the best spot for you! (fix that last line.)


Examples of areas the committee can utilize volunteers:

  • Marketing

  • Photography

  • Sponsorships

  • Event Planning

  • Theme and Decor

  • Audio/Video Recording

  • Video Editing

  • Basket Building

  • Volunteer Coordination

  • Community Relations

Rencontrer l'équipe


This position is available

    Winter Blast Committee Chairperson

    • Facebook

    © 2021 École Syble Hopp

    L'école Syble Hopp relève du Brown Country Children with Disabilities Education Board.

    Le Conseil est une agence du comté de Brown, par conséquent, les dons faits au comté de Brown sont couverts par la section 170 du Code fiscal américain et sont des contributions caritatives.


    Numéro d'identification fiscale fédérale : 39-6005671

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